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Academy Outcome Rates

Currently as of November 30, 2021 our ac ’s outcome rates are: Completion 75.47%, Licensure 100%. The tution’s accrediting agency requires that any adjustments made to its student outcomes es due to the COVID-19 Pandemic must be disclosed. The institution’s accrediting agency has allowed ilities to the institution in the publication of its student outcome rates if the COVID-19 Pandemic has significantly impacted the ability of students to successfully graduate, sit for licensure and/or obtain employment. Any rates reported below that have been modified in accordance with these flexibilities have been adjusted in one of the following manners as indicated.

Placement Rate:

As State and/or local restrictions with respect to the COVID-19 Pandemic have significantly impacted the ability of this institution’s students to sit for licensure and/or obtain employment, this rate has not been published.